MicroTrak AIO

The MT-AIO v4 is a new and upgraded version of the older generation of MT-AIO’s. It is smaller, lighter, and more powerful than previous versions, and is designed to take advantage of newer battery technologies, i.e., 18650 LiPo batteries that are a significant improvement over the previously utilized AA batteries.

After you place the order, please use the order notes or an email to send us your callsign and any other custom operating parameters. If we do not receive this information, we will hold your order, and contact you via email before shipping. Even though it does ship pre-configured, users can easily update all settings by downloading the configuration program and using a the included cable. These products operates on amateur radio frequencies, and require a valid amateur radio license to use. Since it is a transmitter only, it may ocassionally send very short packets coincidentally with other transmitters.

DownloadMT-AIO V4 Manual - Adendum to the previous manual
DownloadOld MT-AIO User Manual - v3.2
DownloadTinyTrak3 Configuration Software - Windows programing software. Version 1.4.6

Add To CartMicroTrak AIO V4 - $299
Includes MT-AIO, V2 rubber duck antenna, and programming cable

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